Java Questionnaire.

Java Questionnaire.

As a Java developer, while working, I frequently stumble upon some concepts, questions, or topics, and I look on the internet for the answers.

Over time, I realized that I do forget some of them and must look them up or reexamine them.

Here in this blog, I am maintaining topics and questions I am searching which I get while doing my day-to-day Java work.

I am going to update this blog on a daily basis.

@PathVariable vs @PathParameter

**A PathVariable -> Jersy term

PathParameter --> Spring Boot term

Java Package naming convention

Domain NamePackage Name Prefix

when a package name is complicated, we can use an underscore to package name instead of camel case notation

Value vs Data Lombok annotation:

The big difference between @Value and @Data annotation is that @Value is mainly used to create immutable objects. @Value is a also an all-in-one annotation that combines: @Getter, @AllArgsConstructor, @ToString and @EqualsAndHashCode and @FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel. PRIVATE)